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I have been building products for a long time. Launched many SaaS, mobile apps, etc.

Some of them generated some revenue but some failed quickly without making any money.

I was always wondering if there is any way to sell the no-revenue products for cheap because instead of plain shutting them down maybe someone might be looking for a similar product to buy?

Had this idea of having a marketplace for selling no/pre-revenue products in July/August. After talking to a couple of people, Finally I decided to build and launch SaaSLiquidate. It's a Free marketplace where sellers can list the products that they want to liquidate for cheap. and it's Free for buyers as well.

The reason behind making it for Free is to have no restrictions for Seller and Buyer and eventually have a proper demand and supply.

Currently, people can list their products for sale or their codebase for sale.

Would love to get some feedback on SaaSLiquidate from you guys

