I obviously need a CTO and I have asked a few friends and acquaintances but at the moment theyre busy with jobs or working on their own projects, and its too early for them because I dont have much to show for at the moment. They have told me to validate the idea first by signing up potential customers and then come back.
So going forward, I can invest around $50K for an MVP, and the initial launch. I can start talking to customers, but I need a team of freelancers to build the MVP. I believe a single developer can build the MVP in 2-3 months considering that we can use the open source project I found and start from there.
My question is, how and where do you find effective and affordable freelancers? How do you go about it without getting burned? Do you go to a dev shop, or make a team of individual ones? Of course if I find a suitable freelancer and everything goes well I would onboard him as a cofounder. I am also open to giving out equity to the dev shop or the freelancers.
Any advice is appreciated and would be of help!