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Ask HN: What's the best way to de-Google photos?

7 points

by strix_varius

4 days ago



After a little over a year of having a kid, I've run out of google storage (photos/drive/mail). I have a pixel phone and like the automatic backup to photos... however, for years I've considered using that as a short-term backup, since I don't trust google not to nuke my account or lock me out. There have been so many instances of that (many posted here), that I don't trust Google with irreplaceable data. Google's storage limits forcing me to figure something out have finally given me the kick I needed to detach myself from their services.

My ideal scenario is:

1. Automatic (periodic is fine)

2. Includes a local backup to physical media

3. Includes a cloud backup to some kind of cheap cold storage

4. Allows the pixel -> photos pipeline to keep running, since it's a convenient way to share albums with family. So I need to be able to automatically delete old google photos (to clear space) while also being able to mark albums as un-deleteable.

I started going down the rabbit hole of designing something myself using google takeout, or photos APIs, etc, and thought that maybe someone on HN has already put together an elegant solution.
