Created: | 3/12/2008, 1:11:01 PM |
Karma: | 167689 |
About: | Seasoned software developer, proficient in Python, Java. Less proficient in Ruby and Lisp. A bit rusty in C and C++. Learning Erlang very slowly. Also a computer collector and restorer, lover of 8-bit computers, mainframes and interesting Unix workstations. email: username at that google mail thing http://about.me/rbanffy https://linkedin.com/in/ricardobanffy [ my public key: https://keybase.io/rbanffy; my proof: https://keybase.io/rbanffy/sigs/HtF1uAf_RNpwIkNP1-YGWP_-3doWV6S5Cc1KywXeLYo ] |
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